What to wear in Portugal – Summer & Winter alike

what to wear in portugal winter and summer

Oh la la! You plan to visit Portugal but you have no idea what to wear!

Well, in Portugal the atmosphere is very relaxed and you should dress accordingly.

I know, when you are in vacation or you just travel, you want to look your best. But in Portugal, less is more and the more casual the look, the better. Although casual can look very glamorous too!


You will have a lot of sight seeing to do here. Portugal is all about nature and the unbeaten track but even in towns you will not feel good wearing heals. Most of the towns have stone paved streets and they are very slippery. Also most of towns are not flat, so you will have an up and down journey for 90% of the time.

Moreover, if you want to see breadmaking scenery, you will be doing a lot of hiking so no flip flops either! Only comfortable and reliable footwear that will protect you.


In Portugal, a hat and quality sun glasses are a must and not just fashion articles. It’s insanely hot in the summer and also in the winter you will have difficulty staying in the sun at mid day. So take a look at our choices!


Long sleeves will help you protect your body from the sun if you are to lazy to use SPF daily. Don’t pretend you are not, because using SPV on my entire body every single day it’s definitely a hassle for me!


Travel adapters are useful because in Portugal electricals cost a bunch and are not the best of quality.

Also a good bottle water is paramount! You will not find water at every corner and for sure if you want to visit a more remote beach with no amenities you will need to stay hydrated. I am not staying the bottle water must be filled only with water, but the “word du jour” in Portugal, no matter the season is “hydrated”.

A good backpack will make your exploring more enjoyable enabling you to have a snack on the go without having to walk all the way back to civilization.  Believe me, you will want to stay in nature for as long as you can!

Sun screen is as important as water. Do not neglect this, as sun in Portugal is different from other parts of the world. My favorite sunscreen in Piz Buin. What is yours?

Read also this!Never go twice in a place you loved

But if you do want to go in a place you will adore, just check out the video about a stunning resort in Algarve Portugal named Vila Vita Park.